The Faculty of ECSI is responsible for training highly professional specialists and conducting scientific research in computer science, statistics and economic cybernetics, aimed at meeting the needs of society in the these fields.
The Faculty was established in 1993. It is organized into three chairs: Economic Cybernetics and Informatics, Mathematics and Economic Statistics, and Information Technologies. It has 53 members of academic staff, whereof 6 Professors and 32 Associate Professors. The Faculty cooperates with faculties in the USA (Amherst Uni versity in Massachusetts), France (Paris-Dauphine University, University of Nantes), Romania (Bucharest University of Economic Studies, A.I.Cuza University, Iasi, ”Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, etc.), Bulgaria (D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics), Ukraine, Russian Federation, Poland, etc.
Cooperation is also encouraged in training, employment and technology transfer with the business environment, especially with companies such as Crystal System, Cedacri International, Endava, Wizrom, EastComputer etc.